Listen in as authors Neil Powell & John James discuss and unpack Together for the City. In this podcast, Neil and John share their personal experiences, as well as expand on some of the concepts outlined in the book.
How big a vision do you need to reach a city?
Together for the City tells the story of a group of churches from a variety of denominations, all in one city, who decided to work together in partnership in a way we never had before. We believed that we could do so much more together than we ever could on our own, and 2020birmingham was the name we gave to our gospel vision. A vision to see twenty new churches in ten years, in the UK’s second largest city.
In the book, we explore how a deeper reflection on the Gospel enables generous, self-giving collaboration. We share our experiences; some of the convictions we have grown in, lessons we have learned, the principles we have discovered, in a way that we hope will be useful for you in your context.
Together for the city is designed to help pastors, planters, leaders and all who are ready to attempt great things for God.
It was a bigger vision that led us to start a collaborative, church planting movement for our city back in 2010. Our prayer is that this vision may help others work together to reach the cities, and through them, the world.
Neil Powell & John James
“Eye opening and inspiring, Together for the City sounds the alarm for the great need of the day, holds out a clear and bold vision, and gives great practical advice.I’d love to see all church leaders read this, soak up its spirit, and rise to its challenge. ”
“This book may be our best hope to move collaborative church planting from an oxymoron to the unstoppable force it was meant to be.What if whole cities joined together to start new churches that were making the gospel known in fresh ways to our increasingly post-Christian context? These words connect thought leadership with praxis to remind us that if the gospel is at the heart of our churches this truly is the way forward.”
“There is a new wind of God blowing across the Christian landscape, and it is forging a unique and beautiful unity among churches and movements. In this book, the authors succeed in showing the practical outworking of such collaboration, its benefit to the city, and the kingdom expansion it brings through church planting.This is a much-needed model of mission partnership. ”
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Our prayer is that this vision may help others work together to reach the cities, and through them, the world.